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Press release: 2nd successful MedPharmPlast Europe workshop in Brussels

Brussels - 4 December 2014 – Last Wednesday, 40 leaders and experts from the medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging supply chain met in Brussels for the second workshop of MedPharmPlast Europe.

Following up on the success of MedPharmPlast Europe previous event in June this year, the workshop focused on European legislation and its impact on the medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging industries. “For everyone involved in these industry sectors it is essential to stay updated on the latest developments in EU regulations,” outlined Christian Meusinger, President of MedPharmPlast Europe, in his welcoming speech. “This aspect makes our event vitally important for participants from all sectors of the medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging industry”.

During the workshop, high-level speakers from the supply chain as well as Axel Singhofen, Advisor on Health and Environment Policy for The Greens / EFA in the European Parliament, presented their views on regulatory challenges and future trends for the industry, including potential bans on key substances used in this sector.

The event started with Linda-Jean Cockcroft from Eppa, Ruth Foster from Terumo BCT and Leonardo Poletti from Polynt, who outlined their views on DEHP. Axel Singhofen then set out his position regarding European Regulations on medical devices which ignited a lively debate among the participants. Next to Jasmin Bird from the European Information Centre on Bisphenol A, who provided an update on this particular substance and the challenges it faces, the presentation of Jenny Gough from EUCOMED focused on the Unique Device Identification (UDI) and its implications for the supply chain. Last but not least, President Christian Meusinger and the Regulatory Task Force Chairman Gustaaf Bos from MedPharmPlast Europe gave an outlook on the programme for 2015 as well as the stance of MedPharmPlast Europe towards the much discussed Amendment 355 of the proposed Medical Device Regulations. Next to the presentations, the participants engaged in interesting panel debates and network sessions.

“Today’s workshop has clarified two important aspects,” concluded Paul Davidson, MedPharmPlast Europe member and moderator of the workshop. “Although we all come from different sectors within the plastic medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging industry, we all consider patient safety and experience our highest priority. To achieve the best possible outcome, it is therefore essential that we continue to work with the European legislators in order to maintain a dynamic, innovative industry”.

The next MedPharmPlast Europe Workshop is likely to be held in June 2015. Everybody involved or interested in the medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging supply chain is warmly welcome.

About MedPharmPlast Europe

MedPharmPlast Europe is a sector group of EuPC created in 2014 by and for companies involved in the whole supply chain of plastic medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging in Europe. It assists companies in these industry sectors by keeping them informed about the latest developments in European regulations and their impact on the medical device and pharmaceutical packaging plastics value chain. MedPharmPlast Europe also represents the interests of the industry to the European legislators and tries to arrive at regulations that are both workable and protect the patient.


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