An insight into the most important topics 2015 for the medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging industry: Nanomaterials, EU Medical Devices Legislation, Unannounced Audits and many more

On 23 June 2015, the annual MedPharmPlast Europe Conference brought together 60 leaders and experts from the whole European medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging supply chain at the Clariant Innovation Centre in Frankfurt. In three sessions, participants got an expert update on the current most important topics concerning the medical devices and packaging industry on EU level. Each session was followed by a lively panel debate.
After a short welcome by MedPharmPlast Europe President Christian Meusinger from Nemera, Paul Davidson from Sabic opened the first session with an introduction about the association’s regulatory activities. Afterwards, Padraig Nolan from the European Plastics Converters (EuPC) gave an insight into the European institutions and their decision-making processes. Finally, Nigel Talboys from Terumo BCT completed the session with a presentation about the latest developments regarding the EU Medical Devices Legislation.
The focus of the afternoon session lied on the current most relevant topics for the medical devices industry. Georges Favre from LNE gave in his presentation an update on nanomaterials and the current regulatory framework. After a presentation on endocrine disruptors by Oliver Okle from hjs Consulting, Steve Duckworth from Clariant gave participants an insight into extractables and leachables and their risk management. Lise Vanderkelen, Study Director at Toxikon, presented analytical studies for the pharma and medical device industry. The last part of the conference focused on Unannounced Audits. Michael Bothe representing TEAM-NB, Association of European Notified Bodies Medical, explained and discussed with participants the current status, implication, impact and management of unannounced audits.
“It is important for us as an industry to work together with the regulators on guidance and workable directives for an improved safety for the patients,” summarised Christian Meusinger, President of MedPharmPlast Europe, in his closing remarks. “To share this common interest is what basically bonds us all together and helps to find innovative solutions for the future”.
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